Leadership and Communication Workshops

We are working with our non-profit Saturn Leadership to host the following 1.5 hour sessions:

Conflict Resolution & Negotiations

Open to All

The Conflict Resolution & Negotiations will use one scenario (see video to the left) to discuss how to successfully resolve conflict and negotiate agreements. We will also introduce the CUBE model which boils down complex models of communication into one practical, easy-to-use method that helps people avoid the most common mistakes in any challenging conversations. This interactive course will specifically focus on conflict resolution and negotiation. Feel free to look at the entire list of Survival Guides

We will start with this video and introduce tools for how to navigate this situation and many other types of conversations.

Negative Feedback & Accountability

Open to All

The Negative Feedback and Accountability workshop will introduce five escalating conversations to manage a team member’s under - performance. Conversations with an under-performing team member start with constructive feedback, move to holding a team member accountable, and  may end with a conversation about role change if they can’t fulfill their role. We’ll learn about the best practices and common mistakes in managing a team member’s under-performance and help you prepare to give negative feedback to a peer or direct report.

Here is a link to a 25-minute video summary of the topic and ebook.

Here is a summary of the discussion we will have. We will jump into each of the conversations and discuss common mistakes and best practices.